Do u know i feel happy when i know u did...
Cos this means u did care for me n wanna know wats happening wif me...
Now u r sitting in front of me...
We seem like normal colleague tat is busying wif our own work...
U do your work quietly...
We did speak, but mostly cos of work...
I feel tat u speak wif other more than me...
When speak wif other, theres smile on your face...
But when speaks wif me, most of the time wif serious look...
I know u might think tat i am also the same...
But tell the truth, i don like to being like this...
Deep in my heart, i really feel regrets..
Regrets wif every mistake i do...
Regrets of asking u come to work wif me...
When things happen, we keep silent wif each other...
When we talk bout our matters, u always say suan la, cos is already over...
But deep in your heart, u really can put all the matters away??
There's sure some scares in your heart on each argument we have...
And it will be compiled to be a big scares after some argument...
U might think tat i have change a lot...
Yes, i did... Theres changes in my emotion, attitude n personality...
Change to be someone tat u might not like & cannot stand on...
But do u think i am happy wif my changes...
The person tat talks n share out the problem is me...
No matter sad o happy things, i did share wif u...
But nowadays, did u do the same....
Don tell me, u have nth to share...
Don tell me, nothing happen to u...
Theres sure something to share each day...
Not tat i don care...
I did ask u, but u tell me nothing to share...
Nothing i can say, just knock n keep quiet...
Is been sometime, i din see the sincere smile n laugh on yr face...
Each time u show me the faked smile..
Do u know it makes me sad...
Really miss all the happiness we had last time...
I know tat time will not return...
But is all a wonderful memory for me...
I am really thankful...
No matter how, u still by my side n support me...
Giving me advice....